New Bridge

Bridge Name: New Bridge
No.: 13
Location: Allerford SS 8999 4665
Build Date: Medieval (called New bridge since early 17th Century)

A medieval stone bridge, with a central pointed arch, and a half-arch each side. It was reported to be in poor condition in 1628 and repaired in 1630. It also bears a datestone of 1866.2

The ‘New Bridge between Selworthy and Luckombe’ was built before 1628, at which date it was reported to be in great decay. £60 was spent on repairs in 1630, but an inquiry was ordered to be made into it in 1647. It has been rebuilt and bears the daMedieval stone bridge of one main pointed arch with an 18 foot span. At each side of this is a half arch. There are cutwaters between the north upstream and downstream , pointed except for the east one on the south upstream side which has been remade square. The half arches are flood arches, their floors being approximately 5 feet above the water line. The bridge was widened on the north side (downstream) approximately 0.2 metres, and a stone in the north parapet reads LP\SP 1866 and may refer to this widening. Forms part of the A39 road. The downstream piers are reinforced stones held in metalmesh. [6]te 1866. [4]



1.Civil Engineering Heritage by R.A.Otter
2.Exmoor National Park HER MSO8006

<3> Jargonise, E., 1930, The Ancient Bridges of the South of England, 113 (Monograph). SMO5764.

<4> Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission, Field Monument Warden Report (Report). SSO1247.