Location :51.11125,-3.57285
A building shown on historic mapping situated adjacent to a possible leat fed by the River Exe may be a historic watermill. It has been suggested that the presence of a building named Northern Mill Cottage may indicate a corn mill was situated in this vicinity. Field investigation could provide no trace of such a building.
References: Exmoor HER – MEM22327 – Possible post-medieval mill and mill leat near Northern Mill Cottage and MSO8596 – Possible post-medieval mill at Northern Mill Cottage
Full Description
Watercourse fed by the River Exe, probably a leat, and a building (at SS 8999 035841) which could therefore be a mill, shown on Winsford Tithe Map south west of the river and Northern Mill Cottage. The tithe apportionment has not been checked and may provide further information.
Neither building nor possible leat are shown on the 1st Edition Ordnance Survey Map, although their position is in part suggested by field boundaries.
Record MSO8596 notes the possibility of a mill in this vicinity
MSO8596 `Northern Mill Cottage’ at SS 9003 3590. Possible corn mill in the vicinity?
‘Northern Mill Cottage’ is mentioned on the 1st Edition 1890 Ordnance Survey map, the 2nd Edition map and the 1962 6 inch map.
No visible remains were noted by D Warren in 1977.
There is no evidence of a mill at or in the vicinity of Northern Mill Cottage.
There is a water course fed by the Exe, probably a leat, and a building (at SS 89990 35841) shown on Winsford Tithe Map on the southern side of the River Exe, to the south west of Northern Mill Cottage see also MEM22327
See also:
- http://www.pastscape.org.uk/hob.aspx?hob_id=1089178 (Original Monarch entry: 1089178)
- http://www.pastscape.org.uk/hob.aspx?hob_id=974577 (Original Monarch entry: 974577)